Exercise and Workouts for the Busy Person
Bryon Martinsen is an award-winning business professional. He is a three-time winner of his firm’s Quantum Leap award, 17-time winner of its prestigious Club 16 award, and multiple winner of the Small Branch of the Year award. For twenty consecutive years, Bryon Martinsen has qualified for the top producer’s conference. He holds a BS from St. Joseph’s University in management and marketing. He is a volleyball coach and enjoys playing tennis and golf to stay healthy.
In the US, more than 66 percent of adults are either obese or overweight, exposing them to many diseases. The risk of chronic diseases can be reduced with as little as a 2–3 percent reduction in excess body weight. If you are too busy, why not try and sneak in an intensive workout during the lunch hour? Instead of taking your lunch at your desk, head to the nearest gym and workout for 30 minutes or take a walk.
Master or change your mindset. Think of the kilograms you are about to shed off. Stop thinking of working out as something that must be done but as something enjoyable. Avoid procrastinating and plan how to do your workouts.
Choose efficient workouts that can be done anywhere and with minimal preparations. Try body exercises, running, walking, or high-intensity interval training.